We are meeting officials from American Water Company and developing a plan to take back our natural resource which the Village of Sea Cliff negligently handled - the Sea Cliff Water Company. For national and local security, we need to own and control our water. Our survival is not a profit center of the village.
The VSC had many opportunities to own, control, and regulate the water in Sea Cliff. But their corruption has led to this tax increase, which has been passed along to the residents as a backwards tax. The rental of the fire hydrants is another long-standing ritual to kick back money to public officials.
Again, this must be stopped.
Join the Hamlet and let’s get our water back to the residents!
Monday – Friday
The response has been tremendous!
Hundreds of residents are joining us!
Come in and speak with one of our trained specialists to help you secede and transition to this new, beautiful life.
The Historic Hamlet of Sea Cliff is its own legal administrative area and local, special district, unit of government. We are not looking to dissolve the Village of Sea Cliff; we are looking for a new path. The law is part of the United States and New York State Constitutions, which allows local powers to protect the public safety morale and from repression from local rule. Per these constitutions, local government exists at the discretion of its residents. There is nothing to vote for – this is a new entity, sharing the borders and property in Sea Cliff.
You have three choices:
1. You can join the Hamlet and not pay the VSC taxes
2. You can join the Hamlet, pay VSC, and use our services
3. You can pay VSC exorbitant tax money
We suggest Option 1, but it's YOUR CHOICE!
The Village of Sea Cliff is a layered government that is spending over $1.6 million in pensions and benefits this year alone.
There are 18 villages and 18 hamlets in Oyster Bay town alone. It’s time we allow change to take place. There are 5 hamlets in Huntington. There are 3 Plandomes. There are even 3 Manhassets!
We are a coterminous special district that exists separately from the Incorporated Village of Sea Cliff, though we share the same borders and properties, all the public spaces, and are at the discretion of the residents. The Historic Hamlet of Sea Cliff will bring Sea Cliff back to a simpler life, with its own court without lawyers and services for its residents, as well as fast zoning and planning in an hour! We also offer better services that cost 75% less.
We no longer pay taxes to Sea Cliff and provide our own services. Let us show you how this works; we are here to stay and provide an alternative to the oppressive, non-inclusive, made up group that has ruled our Sea Cliff for decades. It's all a hoax of smoke and mirrors. They have no authority unless you want them to. Come join our new way of governance.
In the Hamlet, we wave and say hi.
The Hamlet of Sea Cliff is a republic, not a democracy, created for the people.
On average, Village of Sea Cliff Residents pay $3,500 annually towards village taxes.
The Hamlet of Sea Cliff will provide the same or better services for a yearly average of $950
That's over a 70% reduction!!
Average savings is $2,550 annually!
Bring back the essence of a simpler and more friendly village; one that is artistic, holistic, melodic, and has harmony.
Create programs that will help everyone.
Solidify Sea Cliff and appreciate where we live, using disruptive ideas to create a new social movement that is trustworthy and authentic.
This hamlet is for the residents of our Sea Cliff!
To Join the Hamlet of Sea Cliff:
1. Download and print the file below
2. Send the completed and notarized form to:
Marianne Lennon, Village of Sea Cliff Clerk/Treasurer
300 Sea Cliff Avenue / PO Box 340
Sea Cliff, NY 11579
3. Send a copy to:
Hamlet Hall
100 Roslyn Avenue
Sea Cliff, NY 11579
We love our hamlet; feel free to stop in and visit!